An awesome melodic death metal band that kicks ass along with Children of Bodom! Oh HELL YEAH!
In flames never sold out, they just wanted to do something different.
by Urban Infinity 2.0 January 27, 2022
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(noun) when your poop is too big or you squeezed it out too hard and your ass hole burns
god damn that shit just gave me major flaming inge
by flatcarrot67 March 7, 2016
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flaming carl is the act where you crapand then drop the poo into someone's mouth (it is better when they are asleep or entirely unsuspecting).
Carl just dropped a massive flaming carl into Karl's mouth.
by shmurp January 31, 2017
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A person who gets mad easily.
2: “>:(“
by .unl0ded_3rror May 28, 2023
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how your balls feel when you mistake the BenGay for KY jelly.
i rolled over to grab the KY jelly , and mistakenly grabbed the GenGay my girl friend left on the night stand,now i know what a flaming junk ball is!!!
by topdog14 February 11, 2016
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When a girl gives you a blow job with hot sauce in her mouth
Hey I got a flaming Cheeto yesterday my socks still on fire
by Local_pot_genie February 18, 2022
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The act of farting on your gay lovers throbbing red rocket as he inserts it into your anus after eating food that makes you gaseous.
Let’s go get some White Castle and come home and have a flaming-Cheeto.
by Dirty Wilson April 11, 2021
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