Someone of Middle Eastern descent who liberally uses TUE's and other loopholes to take performance enhancing drugs.
Wow! Asif is running so fast. He is an Arabian Flame.
by Seadogelvis October 25, 2016
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The act of a man smoking and holding the smoke in then performing oral sex on another man and blowing the smoke out his nose during the act.
Todd took a massive hit from a bong and then gave mike and corey a flaming smokestack.
by The Wonder Twins & Dick October 27, 2011
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When you get stuck fist fighting a Kangaroo and you machete its arms off then light them on fire n double penetrate your wife with then until she screeches like the guy screech from saved by the bell
Traveling Australia was wild. Fought a Kangaroo, went hunting, had a bonfire, and got to dp my girl. All in all it was a Flaming Screecharoo l!
by Allnight Anderson February 8, 2023
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When a man coats his tongue with Jabanero sauce and inserts it in her anal cavity as deeply as possible.
Billy Bob and Marie were having tacos and hot sauce by the fire. Billy Bob stuck his tongue in the hot sauce. He then gently rolled Marie over and forcefully plunged his tongue into Marie's anal cavity,thus creating the flaming piccolo!
by The Piccolo Masters September 6, 2010
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A internet meme where Elmo has his hands raised with flames behind him.
flaming elmo is proof that elmo is creppypasta.
by TheRealMugman October 9, 2020
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