Gettin yer Vixen Fixin’ is when you hook up with a soul sucking prowler regardless of your awareness of her sexually evil ways
Yeah fuck the endgame of that shit. I’m just tryin to get my Vixen Fixinin before I’m ruined. Usually a hole for the soul. This time it’s some dick before the trick
by Dig Nitty April 17, 2019
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A word to replace a cuss word so you don't get the dickens.
Person 1: What the Hell
Person 2: Hey use a fixin' word for that so I don't have to give you the dickens with my miscketgrabbers.
by BearsCenter June 6, 2017
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The most epic slogan of all time, created by Lester from Lesters Fixings. Lesters Fixings make random soda flavours like for example Peanut Butter Jelly soda, or Buffalo Wings soda.
Person: *drinks one of Lesters sodas*
Also person: *sees slogan*
Person: Lester, I got my fixin's.
by Flamingo epicccc June 13, 2020
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Friend 1: So were you "fixin the ole itch" last night?
Friend 2: Totally man, it was the best, we went all night.
by THEwordmaker2 November 16, 2011
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When muttered or even shouted, this 2 word phrase serves as ambiguous disapproval of the actions of another, with no need for further explanation.

Typically this eye-witness exclamation will forecast a poor outcome of one’s actions while they are still in the making.
A couple watching a neighbor through their window as he struggles angrily to start a chainsaw in the driveway of his treeless property…
Husband: “Straight Fixin’”
Wife: “mmmhmmmm”
by Dascool27 June 23, 2022
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