Short for fictosexual or fictoromantic. Someone who is sexually or romantically attracted to fictional characters, sometimes exclusively. May imagine they are in a relationship with one or several fictional characters.
"Dear ficto people: if you are in love with a fictional character and you don’t have attraction to real people, you are VALID!"

"I proudly identify as ficto. My love for my F/Os is very real and I take it very seriously."
by merryy November 22, 2019
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You are attracted to non-existent inanimate objects
person 1: yo, I don't know why but that lightsaber pic is kinda hot chief.

person 2: You might be ficto-objectumsexual.

person 1: neat
by DuzFF July 6, 2021
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Noun: A person who seems to revolve themselves around their own fictional world.

Verb: To panic; Be in a surprising, unexpected situation.

Lindsey: "You know Chase?"
Morgan: "Yeah, he's so weird. Such a ficto."

Olivia to her friends: ...and that's when he asked me out! It was so awkward! What a ficto!!
by May 25, 2022
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