When a super-perverted fangirl of anime/manga thinks it's "cute and adorable" to write a fanfic about their favorite characters having sex with each other in the most graphic way possible.
Guy: What are you reading?

Perverted fangirl: I think it's cute reading about them have sex with each other!

Guy: WTF man?! Why are you reading a lemon fanfic?

Pereverted fangirl: STFU, the author worked hard on this story, can't you see?

Guy: I've lost faith in humanity.
by GunnyMan4 August 20, 2016
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When you read a lot of uncompleted fanfiction and they're all updated at the same time, giving you hours of fic to read.
I'm glad I have the day off to get out of this fanfic hole. fandom fanfiction
by Willow W July 16, 2012
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When espoused by loud, often fundamentalist Christians, the Bible may become Fundie Fanfic.

This also applies to publications such as Watchtower.
"Witnesses! Don't try to sell me your Fundie Fanfic."
by Kahless the Unforgettable August 26, 2008
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In which two people from different fandoms exchange a fanfiction from their respective fandoms. It can be your favorite or even a random one. Both people have to read the fanfiction and comment on it. It's usually better to select a shorter fanfiction, such as a oneshot and the stories should stay close in length to each other in order to be fair.

These can be for fun and can immerse another reader into new communities.
Bill traded his favorite fanfiction to Mandy, who did the same.

"This fanfic exchange was an awesome idea!" Penny said to Hailey. "I'm interested in this fandom now."
by Sephocolys December 18, 2021
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Also rendered as "corporate fanfiction," it is an alternative name for a "cover" or "motivation letter"

From /u/Hawkwise83
You don't love corporate fanfic about how you've always wanted to work at a grocery store and it's your life's passion to make minimum wage?
by danachos January 25, 2023
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Stories that will bring joy to those who take the time to read them. Once read, you'll be re-reading because they're so good.
I simply can't stop re-reading Phafa's fanfics.
by TheTotallyPlatonicSavvi;] February 19, 2021
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Live-fanficing is the process of writing a fanfic live via streaming sites (or sites such as tinychat) with an audience. Audiences will not input or add to the story while the author is writing the fic but sometimes will comment on things they like. The term was first coined on tumblr, where many individuals belonging to fandoms such as Harry Potter, Dr.Who and Supernatural, reside. The first live-fanficing session was over tinychat and the fanfic was about Harry Potter.
"Did you see that amazing fanfic Lissa wrote last night? I read it live!"
"She was live fanficing it!"
by acciotheprincestale September 29, 2011
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