Possible the funniest show ever thought of, it shows a daily life of the Griffin family, Peter, Louis, Stewie, Meg, Chris, and Brian.

People say it was copyed from the Simpsons... but hey... whocares..? Really. They just made it that much funnyer, cause.. lets see... Family is so much funnyer than the Simpsons. *Wins* (Neverreallylikedthesimpsonsanyways.)

Fox had Family guy, then they canceled it, then they begged for it to come back after it started to gain popularity.

In otherwords, Family Guy Rocks!
Person 1: Hey, lets go watch simpsons!

Person 2: Hey, lets not and go watch family guy!

Person 1: Alright!!
by TheEmoKid June 28, 2006
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A hilarious cartoon that had 3 good seasons before they recently came back for a 4th with complete crap. Yes, Seth, we know you were supposed to be on one of the 9/11 planes, and we were all stunned and pissed on 11/2, just get over it and make good episodes...
"Blast who the devil do the teenagers like...Morgan Freemon!"
by Johnny X. June 19, 2005
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the most kick ass show ever and new episodes are finally being released by FOX!! score! Stewie rocks my socks for he is soo evil and resents his mother, Lois. Peter Griffin is dumb and often messes up things the more he tries to fix them. Brian is the family's talking dog who both Lois and Peter turn to when they need a helping hand. Brian is no ordinary dog. Meg and Chris are the Griffin's two other children. Meg has a hard time surving school while Chris is preoccupied thinking there is an evil monkey in his closet. This show is simply hysterical and 2 thumbs up!
Every Sunday night at ten on Fox you can catch a new episode of family guy!
by Mandii C. May 10, 2005
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One of the best T.V. shows created of all time. Ultimately the most comical cartoon sitcom invented.

Created by Seth McFarlane, containing a wonderful cast of:
The Family:
Peter Griffin (father), Louis Griffin (mother), Meg Griffin (daughter), Chris Griffin (oldest son), Stewie Griffin (youngest son), Brian Griffin (talking dog).

Can never forget Glen Quagmire and his sex crazy life. He has even once gotten is 'slutty-women-prober' stuck in a window.
The new season of Family Guy is finally playing. Fox network on Sunday nights at 9:00PM EST. Be there or....well...be freakin square.
by The Toilet Monster June 19, 2005
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A great cartoon uncancelled by FOX. The family consists of Peter Griffin, a loveable oaf, Lois Griffin, a milf, Chris Griffin, a slow, dumb, fat, misunderstood teenage boy struggling to make it in a real man's world, Meg Griffin, who doesn't deserve a definition, and Stewie Griffin, a young toddler with a football-shaped head who used to be bent on world domination and matricide but is now, shall we say, "exploring his options". This show is hilarious, and there are at least 2 or 3 moments in each episode that will make you laugh harder than ever before, each upstaging the last. Better than The Simpsons even, at least the more recent episodes. Brought back in May 2005 after being cancelled in February 2002 due to low ratings, since nobody knew when it was on. If you have never watched it, check it out. Especially the episodes "Wasted Talent", "E Peterbus Unum", and the more recent "Blinded Ambition".
Anybody who doesn't watch Family Guy is gay. There, I said it.
by Adam Fowler May 31, 2005
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The greatest TV show to be cancelled and then resurrected.... actually the greatest TV show ever. Warning: May cause you to lose control of your bladder.
Do I really need to put a quote?
by Elmsters May 23, 2005
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when you family guyed someone you post a bunch of pictures of family guy pictures
person 1: hey lets go family guyed some furries|
person 2: frick yes i hate furries
person 1: we sure did family guyed those idots
by cunt man 27 April 21, 2020
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