A song that is easy to imagine if you know what to expect.
Although I never heard MAXX EXTERMINATION, I can sense it.
by Zach G. January 3, 2004
One who exterminates owls.
Owl Exterminator: "We owlllllll exterminatorrrrrrsssssss."
by Pseudonym111222 July 2, 2010
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The Extermination Force is a large global organization determined on wiping out all furries from this world. The Extermination Force targets furry conventions and is very well-armed. The Extermination Force has never failed a single mission, and plans to uphold that streak.
"Ew! It's a furry!!"
"Quick!!! Call The Extermination Force"
by the russian communist January 22, 2023
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A remix of the MAX series (max 300, maxx unlimited, and the legend of MAX.) Not possible to do with feet, mixed by DJ slash. I passed it on 1.5 with dizzy on, and got a B. Can you?
MaxX Extermination? That's not a REAL song...

13 feet? WHAT?

I pissed my pants trying MaxX Extermination on the mat...
by Evil Fish April 22, 2004
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He who kills microbugs on a quantum level

Rife/plasma/scalar technology's

Or more advanced alien technology's
by Adam Rhys Campbell September 23, 2020
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The day of exterminating shall be May 3rd of every year

You shall exterminate every thot in sight for this national holiday
Yo! It ot National Thot Extermination Day We need to exterminate every thot in sight!
by Yung Oro May 3, 2018
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Legit just a rip off of the A.F.C and I led by a furry, F.E.S is known for doing dog shit things with games, specifically on roblox.
Hey, heard of the F.E.S (Furry Extermination Services) ?
Yeah, they are pretty fuggin retarded.
by AntiFur Updates July 6, 2023
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