TEF for short. People who uphold or reinforce the patriarchy while being exclusionary of trans people. "TERF" is often used when "TEF" should be used instead as those who uphold the patriarchy are not true feminists since feminism is about dismantling the patriarchy.
Posie Parker is a Trans Exclusionary Fundamentalist.
by Shugunou April 28, 2023
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This rule states that mega douche bags can be excluded from other rules like the golden rule (treat others the way you want to be treated) and other rules rearguarding common kindness because of there douche bag status.
Matt: Wow Steven is such a creepy sketchy cum bucket.
Billy: Hey! that's not nice, you cant say that! You should treat others the way you want to be treated.
Matt: No Billy its ok, since Steven is a bonafide douche bag he is excluded from that rule.
Billy: O' yeah I forgot all about the exclusionary douche bag rule, and yeah I know Steven is total cum bucket.
by The Wrench May 13, 2012
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