
A sarcastic term used to describe the process in which an individual attempts to impress a potential mate by preparing a just-add-water style meal from a box while dressing it up to look like a made from scratch dinner. This is a common phenomenon among individuals that have little or no cooking skill, but lack the common sense to order in when bringing home a date.
Steve: "My girlfriend is coming over, I'm gonna cook for her."

Bob: "You can't cook for shit, Steve."

Steve: "I'll make one of those quick oven bake dinners and add a little garnish to the side. She'll never know the difference."

Bob: "What, you're gonna impress her with a box of Entice-a-roni? Man you're a cheap-ass moron, order some chinese."
by DeathByBob September 28, 2009
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larry enticer

when a dumb fucking bald middle aged man takes his ancient fucking v twin puts on a wig and fucks himself up to the nine on huge ass ramps.
"dude your dads such a larry enticer"
"ya i know man. i have double cancer now."
by hgygyg November 13, 2018
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occupational title referring to (licensed *LPIN) sexually oriented business professionals that derive monies and/or compensation in exchange for erotic services, sexually arousing, enticing, exciting and/or stimulating another
Gentleman approached me in a bar, offered me a drink and introduced himself. He stated his name and that he was an attorney then inquired as to my profession. I chuckled aloud and informed him that we had a lot in common, that I was a Nocturnal Enticement Specialist and it appeared that we both screwed people for money.
by Maddison Knox November 13, 2008
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attract or tempt by offering pleasure or advantage.
Credit-cards are entice people to get into even more debt.
by ElsaYi December 24, 2018
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