You are half dead and took forever to type this. To do this type every key on the keyboard like f1 F1 key or win (windows button key) Dont press all of these keys
f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 insert prt sc delete tab qwertyuiop\ pg up Capslock asdfghjkl;' enter pg dn shift zxcvbm,./ shift end ctrl fn win alt space alt ctrl left arrow up arrow down arrow right arrow
by T H I C C D I C T I ON A R Y October 14, 2020
Get the f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 insert prt sc delete tab qwertyuiop[]\ pg up Capslock asdfghjkl;' enter pg dn shift zxcvbm,./ shift end ctrl fn win alt space alt ctrl left arrow up arrow down arrow right arrow mug.
When Donny realized he wouldn't see Paris for a while he felt bad for pulling out. It was then he decided to re enter Paris and finish the job.
by Gregaroidson. July 27, 2017
Get the Re enter Paris mug.
Another way of saying kys
lj: u r an idiot im the best!!1!
Tq: go commit air not entering lung area you retarded 3 year old
by How1dare1you September 9, 2018
Get the go commit air not entering lung area mug.