Just like Someone who try's to suck the life out of you... except they try to suck up all the excitiement, fun, positivity and passion from your dreams, and your goals in life.

They are usually sad and unhappy people who are jealous and looking to drag other down with them..
dont let a dream sponge ruin your life
by PGG February 3, 2017
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When you wake up from a dream with a vision or idea so damn good, you wonder if you're still dreaming.
Bruh, I had this inspira-dream-ation last night and it told me how to make a ton of money. I told my girl when I woke up and she said it could happen. I had to check to make sure I wasn't still sleep or tripping.
by Justjookie7 September 23, 2021
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When home boy writes something down on a napkin that is going to change his life the evening before when the powder kicks in, and blows his nose with it the next morning when he wakes up before throwing it away and never coming back to it.
by YourBrotherInLaw November 17, 2016
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A person or peoples, usually in the arts, entertainment, and music industry, that over promises and under-delivers.
The person(s) are usually surround by flying monkeys who chase clout.

Dream Pimps will come up with elaborate lies to hype you up, but I’m reality they want to piggy back off your hard work.

They most likely have no talent themselves.
They mostly likely use drugs and fake promises to manipulate creatives into working with them.
A dream pimp contacted me offering exposure to their inactive audience.
I’ve been tagged in posts 5 times by a dream pimp.
That dream pimp over there.
by Madeofstarsnstuff October 12, 2021
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some show that made a whole community because of kids having fun or stuff, also it sounds like a fever dream when you describe the whole show
so the leaf got mad and stole the island from the fire and then when all the objects realised... thats all for today i'll tell you more about Battle For Dream Island. what was even that are you okay?
by howdoitype October 3, 2023
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There are two types of dreamsexuals.

1: only feeling sexual attraction during dreams, but barley any when awake (valid, also known as sognaresexual)

2: only feeling sexual attraction to the content creator dream (not valid)
1: I'm dream sexual!

2: that's weird...

1: oh, I think you got it mixed up
2: ?

1: I only have sexual attraction during dreams, I'm sognaresexual!

2: phew! I thought you meant the other one..
by B10rl September 20, 2021
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A sexuality after the popular minecraft youtuber, Dream. He's apart of the DSMP (Dream survival-multiplayer) and is a person you can ''Stan'' to certain people.

This is also used to mock the LGBT community, and very disrespectful. That's why genders like MAP, Dream, etc are invalid, they're disgusting.
Child: ''Mom, I'm coming out as dream-sexual.''

Mom: ''This is another phase, Isn't it?''
by V/J February 26, 2022
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