When a person flips the bird, double fisted for emphasis.
On fire as a result of being on the receiving end of a well-timed double flip, it occurred to her that she totally deserved it.
by Dr Bunnygirl September 3, 2019
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Usually pertain to women that divorce rape her husband then go on a wild sexual spree's with his friends and their friends.
Keith: Hey man you remember John and Mary,

Rob: Yeah how long they been married?
Keith: 10 years(law to get life time alimony)

Keith: she just told him she want a divorce
Keith: And he said she is fucking his cousin.
Rob: word so she on the market or is she and cuzzo exclusive
Keith: nah she on the market, John's cousins best friend hit that too.
Rob: Damn she doing Monkey-Double-Back-Flips on dicks huh.
Keith: Yup.
by Bro-Grim July 27, 2019
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When one grabs onto the females legs (or males) and throws her into a double front flip (or double back flip if you're a risk taker) and simultaneously takes off his clothes and her clothes and then completes a full insta-boner and as she falls to the ground from the flips, she lands on the fully erect penis, as it goes straight inside her auns.

Please note: This is a very risky maneuver, I highly suggest you do not try this! It has never been fully completed before and is illegal in 23 countries.
Jeff gave Troy the greatest Double Buttfuck Back Flip the other night, he had to go to the hospital!
by falloutsux July 26, 2009
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A Double Arabian Front Flip is an aerobic action performed by pressing the Double Arabian Front Flip button.
Hint: Press the Double Arabian Front Flip button to perform a Double Arabian Front Flip
by Nub Nublet July 2, 2022
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