A. Last night i was smokin the doobi with a friend of mine.

B. Why the fuck didn't u call me
by D January 31, 2004
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A tight joint, some weed, scooby doo's middle name
Damn boy you got a doob? Let me take some of that!

We were just smoking some doobies. SCOOBY doobies.
by THaMagoriumz November 10, 2007
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a wonderous smoking utensil in which happiness is acheived through the inhalation of a mysterious and mystical white cloud.
i took a toke of my "doobie" and got high.
by Winkus and Bumblephuck March 5, 2004
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1.Stoner/hippie slang for weed.

2.What Scooby Doo says
Fred: I'm all out of Scooby snacks would you like a doobie snack?

Shaggy: Oh yeah doobie snacks let's get stoned

Scooby: Scooby DOOBIE *PUFF* doooooooo!!!
by Sexymullatoboi December 27, 2005
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A hand-rolled, irregularly large blunt. Has a musical tone to it, so the term is mostly used in that scooby doo song, while looking for it, if it rolled under the couch or something.
Dooby dooby doo, where are you? I want to get high todaaaaayaaaay...
by Fatasspseudo June 27, 2011
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a marajuanna joint, as in a splif or J
pass the doobie bud,
hey man you got a doobie?
by FutureHistory April 8, 2006
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