One of the 3 words in the islamic language, these are "Dirka Dirka", "Muhammad", and "Jihad". These words have no meaning and are just thrown together to say whatever you mean.
Islamic: "Muhammad jihad dirka dirka jihad, dirka dirka muhammad."
Translation: "Let's go burn the corpse of an infidel".
Translation: "Let's go burn the corpse of an infidel".
by Devan January 12, 2005
by meowmixx December 26, 2005
Everytime I pay $3.05 cents for a gallon of gas I feel like telling the dirka dirka behind the counter to go ^%&^ himself.
by Deborah Lee June 3, 2006
what you haven't team america world police!
by greenlantern16 March 9, 2011
probably best work ever from the best film ever team america wooooo
jihaaaaaaaddddd dirkkkkkaaaa dirrrkkkaaaaa
jihaaaaaaaddddd dirkkkkkaaaa dirrrkkkaaaaa
towel head 1- have u got the WMD's
towel head 2- yes theyre hidden in my ass
towel head 1- ahhh dirka dirka let me get them
towel head 2- yes theyre hidden in my ass
towel head 1- ahhh dirka dirka let me get them
by ahh dirka dirka June 5, 2009
by love laurie December 2, 2007
Once used in puppet animation for a fictional language for the Islamic terrorists role. In urban language now more commonly used as a slang for marijuana or being inebriated on marijuana.
1) Hey man! Know where I can get some dirka dirka?
2)Man that herb got me derka'd last night! or Wow, I was derkafied off that bong yo!
3) Got any dirka to role up?
1) Hey man! Know where I can get some dirka dirka?
2)Man that herb got me derka'd last night! or Wow, I was derkafied off that bong yo!
3) Got any dirka to role up?
by wavestradomas May 18, 2009