A resident of Sullivan county, New York; is person who smokes pot and cigarettes interchangeably. They have a tendency to turn every small town into a ghetto in the middle of nowhere within the Catskills. The person usually exploits people for their own benefit and are often lazy. They seem not to give too much of a fuck when they drive as they won't put on their blinkers until they make a full stop while there is moving traffic.
James is a total Sullivan county delinquent. He lives in Wurtsboro and he smokes pot and weed as if they're one in the same.

Those Sullivan county delinquents don't know how to drive, I almost crashed into one as the driver put his left blinker on right before he made a full stop.

The Sullivan county delinquents will make any town into a ghetto in rural Sullivan county.
by thenihilisticassociate December 22, 2019
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What Sky and Ash about to do this Friday
Sky: it’s your birthday this Friday! Sooo wanna do wholesome tings orrrrrr be delinquents

Ash: let’s be delinquents!
by Thegoatoftheyear November 2, 2022
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He makes sooo many cool tweets yeaaa
He make banger tweets like zane actually. More like zanecry haha

Hes sooo good delinquent is the best on Twitter go follow him rn noobs ur so bad
You guys are bad hes the best follow hik on Twitter noobs delinquent has guns and he is the ebst
by SOO NOT DELINQUENT February 12, 2021
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