1. To torture or restrain with intellectual barbed wire
2. Any threat of violence, torture or sex play involving barbed wire.
2. Any threat of violence, torture or sex play involving barbed wire.
My teachers dekalbed me again with more homework than I could ever finish.
I don't care if wrestlers professionalized dekalbing, she is not coming near me with barbed wire ever again.
Dude, if she dekalbs you, you will only move when SHE lets you move!
I don't care if wrestlers professionalized dekalbing, she is not coming near me with barbed wire ever again.
Dude, if she dekalbs you, you will only move when SHE lets you move!
by BayAreaWillI December 11, 2008
home of niu. students go home on weekends because the town is worthless.
nothing to do here but kill braincells.
nothing to do here but kill braincells.
"I'm headed back to the black hole"
"what're you doing in dekalb!?"
"dude, we got a 8ball an a keg tonite!"
"what're you doing in dekalb!?"
"dude, we got a 8ball an a keg tonite!"
by boondizzle August 4, 2007
by mayaapaya December 16, 2019
A town in rural Illinois about 65 miles outside of Chicago. Has Northern Illinois University in the center. Otherwise you got a Walmart and a small Bestbuy. There is lots of corn. And a high school that had its power get knocked out 7 times in 2007-2008 and has had a couple of gang fights and multiple attempts at arson. There isn't much besides that. There was a school shooting at NIU in 2008. Besides the shootings the only claims of fame are the invention of barbed wire in DeKalb and supermodel Cindy Crawford.
Freind: How's DeKalb, Illinois?
Me: You know it sucks.
Friend: Wanna hang out?
Me: Walmart or Target?
Friend: Target sounds good.
Me: You know it sucks.
Friend: Wanna hang out?
Me: Walmart or Target?
Friend: Target sounds good.
by thelonelywolf July 3, 2009
town 60 miles outside chicago. urban feeling to it kinda, but weird because its surrounded by corn. the place where barb wire was invented. cindy crawford is from dekalb. used to be a nice town, but is starting to become run down and crappy. place where criminals out number the cops. just sucks now and to much crime, but always will be home
person 1: so hows dekalb illinois?
person 2: sucks, but the same as usual
person 1: thats cool, so whats new?
person 2: well the tires on my car got stolen, both the of stores
got robbed, there were 2 shootings over the
weekend, and my neighbor came to the apartments
drunk and screaming last night. and its just boring
person 2: sucks, but the same as usual
person 1: thats cool, so whats new?
person 2: well the tires on my car got stolen, both the of stores
got robbed, there were 2 shootings over the
weekend, and my neighbor came to the apartments
drunk and screaming last night. and its just boring
by mr. sun or mr. green March 25, 2009
A high school located in Waterloo Indiana where teachers don’t know how to teach shit, our school ignores anyone who doesn’t play sports, the students are fake ass bitches, and a school where they act like they give a shit about bullying and conflict.
by drugdealer101 September 20, 2018
A place in which teachers don't do anything to prevent cheating on tests or bullying, yet when someone has their mask down 6ft away from someone they get SAP.
by Useful_potato January 2, 2021