The boring mundane parts of everyday life.
A daily monotonous job or task.
Being caught in slow moving commuter traffic.
Joe is returning to the daily grind after a 2 week vacation.
by pandamad April 20, 2009
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(1) The Daily Grind (TDG) means working hard. You are hustling (in a positive manner) to pursue your dream and meet your goals. People respect you when you are on TDG.

(2) The Daily Grind (TDG) is also a community space for medical students to let it out. Found at
Willis: "Why isn't she at the party?"
Vik: "Dude, she's on The Daily Grind."
Willis: "Word, I hear that."

Kevin: "I'm having such a terrible day!"

Chris: "Let it out on The Daily Grind."
by sd16 April 16, 2013
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A cool coffee house in an area of Washington. Many people hang out there and consume massive amounts of caffine.
Let's Go to the Daily Grind.
by lmscheer April 12, 2008
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(dey-lee dur-tee grahynd, IPA: deɪli dɜrti graɪnd)
(ground or grinded)

-verb, noun
1. To masturbate while performing "the boring mundane parts of everyday life.
A daily monotonous job or task.

Being caught in slow moving commuter traffic." daily grind

-verb, noun
2. The daily or near-daily masturbation one performs, sometimes done with boredom.

Origin: I was brushing my teeth thinking it would be more fun to brush my teeth if I were masturbating.
Speaker 1: Dude, you should totally try out daily dirty grinding. I daily dirty ground when I made some eggs and bacons. It's so hard, 'cause you can only use one hand!

Speaker 2: Ugh, that's gross, man! How could you cook your food when you're jacking off? You don't splooge in your eggs?

If Speaker 2 wasn't grossed out...

Speaker 2: Dude, use your head. You can jack off without using hands.
by notreadyforLenny December 8, 2010
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The girl with the gorgeous ass as work that makes the daily grind worth it.
Oh that sweet daily ass grind just walked by, I love my job.
by mrbingo December 2, 2011
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