
A cuffer is a volunteer firefighter that gets so excited running lights and sirens to a call that he/she sometimes fondles themselves.
Greg and James are such cuffers, each time they go on a run they have to get napkins at the Mcdonalds drive thru to clean themselves up prior to checking on scene.
by Patrick the great August 20, 2007
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someone who uses the end of their sleeve as a hankerchief
"eurr... look at that crust on his sleave, he's such a cuffer!"
by Jason K1 October 20, 2006
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Someone who is overly prone or susceptible to entering a long term committed relationship with another. Usually used as a derogatory term towards someone who falls in love way too easily or needs to be in a relationship to feel whole.
(Roscoe Dash's lyrics in the song in the DJ Khaled song "Oh My") - "girl you the one, too bad I'm not a cuffer..."

One friend to another - "shut up man, you ain't no player... youz a damn cuffer. A sweetheart. A sucker for love..."
by SillyBilly9000 December 13, 2018
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Another term for jailbait. Going after this girl will likely get you arrested and in handcuffs.
Guy A: "I've got my eyes on the blonde baby-face in the shallow end of the pool"
Guy B: "Serious pal? She's a total cuffer"
by Akaza April 16, 2013
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A Policeman or Policewoman.
''watch it blad cuffer comin!''
by sweet jesus March 4, 2006
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A person you would cuff in a relationship; someone you would keep forever.
Similar to the word keeper
Nick: "Dude Kate would make the perfect wife; she's a great cook, is good with kids, and has a nice body."
Greg: "Hell yeah dude, she's an absolute cuffer!"
by rtsears August 8, 2018
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fizzle cuffer

A person that arranges their social calendar and/or evaluates a committment to an activity, based upon their desire to maximize the opportunity to cuff with someone...thereby slowly fading away from being present with friends and obligations.
Person 1: “I thought he said he was going to be here”
Person 2: “He gave a ‘hard maybe’”
Person 1: “Yeah, he’s fizzling out. That time of year. He wants to get cuffed.”
Person 2: “What a fizzle cuffer”
by Itsaword October 24, 2018
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