A woman with a very short temper and extremely large thighs.
Jeez. Stop acting like such a Sadie Cornish!
by KoRnDawg September 7, 2012
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A measurement of time applicable in Cornwall and Devon. A Cornish Minute is equivalent to an English hour.
Cornish Person: I'll be there in a minute
English Person: See you in an hour because I know that's a Cornish Minute
by Sammy Valentine July 11, 2010
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A breed of cat that always acts like a kitten regardless of age.
My Cornish Rex is 4 and he still acts like he's a kitten.
by Anonymous July 29, 2003
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A mysterious, stealthy turd which drops like a bomb, then disappears without trace. No bowl evidence. No paperwork.
by Vinnie4brexit March 6, 2020
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A feline-like costume worn by small aliens as a disguise while they study Earthlings.
“Dude! Why does your cat look so weird?!”

“She isn’t a cat! Gweny just wears her Cornish Rex costume because it makes her look like she ALMOST belongs on this planet.”
by JanaTheDyke May 9, 2019
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When it actually pours with rain during the summer, the main tourist season in Cornwall.
Oh it is raining again
Well, it is Cornish Sunshine
by rainincornwall August 10, 2010
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A small 3 legged animal found out in remote areas of cornwall related closely to haggi (native to scottish highlands). Hunted to near extinction in the 18th century, this animal has now been taken in as an endangered species and bred in undisclosed sanctuaries as the primary ingredient in "cornish pastys". The flavour is often mistaken to that of beef or lamb (although cheap misrepresentations of a true pasty are commonplace).
Until a few hundred years ago cornish pasty hunting was a day to day activity for royalty and upper classes.
by Thrashasaur June 16, 2007
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