A city in the Pioneer Valley in Western Massachusetts, known mostly for it's main road, Memorial Drive (aka "The Drive") and for the HuKeLau Polynesian restaurant.
You're from one side of the river or the other, and you go to CCHS or CHS which has a rivalry game every year for "The Sword".
Former home of the Kielbasa Festival and the Fairfield mall, new home to WalMart and Home Depot, among other stores.
Also home to Westover Air Reserve base, formerly Westover Air Force base.
"I'm from Chicopee." she said.
"Where the fuck is that?" he replied.
by ChicopeeNative February 13, 2009
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A card game similar to Pitch (high, low jack, game) in which the bidder leads the King of trump while holding the Ace. Usually played in Chicopee, Massachusetts by middle-age people with sixth grade educations and few teeth.
After the King is lead, all at table exclaim "Chicopee Pitch!" in a derogatory manner.
by nkn March 7, 2003
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A group of immature post-high school, losers from the city of Chicopee, MA. Many of them think they are hot shit.
There goes the Chicopee Crew. Man, what a group of fags.
by Jameson February 7, 2005
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lower class losers who will forever remain in their parent's basements, attics, garages...
I'd kill myself if I was even associated with one of them Chicopee Crew peoples.
by does it really matter? February 8, 2005
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Steven Kyle Zych II and any and all of his 'friends'/associates who have never left chicopee but instead remain to take up space and waste everyone's time, as well as smoke more weed than they can afford, which doesn't turn out to be much because they all will forever remain in the lower class financially.
Wow, look at Zych and all his friends, what wastes of life, they should all go kill themselves.
by Jameson February 7, 2005
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