Anti centrism is a joke political ideology that centers on calling together all 4 corners of the political compass to set aside there differences and unite under one common goal, to get rid of the moderate centrist majority and turn everyone into an extremist. In effect to Burn the fence down that all the moderates are sitting on and dismantle the Overton Window. There goal Is to get rid of the middle and then culture war it out so a true society can rise from the ashes of political bullshit
After seeing the current political landscape I think anti-centrism is the way to go...
by Anonathan Chancler July 12, 2019
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Radical Centrism is a political philosophy which seeks to use pragmatism in order to arrive at the underlying benefits to approaches from the Left-wing, Right-wing, and also off the regular spectrum of American politics. By seeking to find the best possible solutions through compromise, while still producing something meaningful and un-watered down, Radical Centrism is an attempt to form a political philosophy that is purely American in origin, and ready to tackle the problems our country faces in the 21st century. There are many proponents of this approach today, including authors such as Mark Satin and Ted Halstead, as well think tanks such as the New America Project, which was founded and run by leaders of the tech industry in Silicon Valley.
Ex- John, 24, and like many of his generation, has decided to abandon a "side" in the polarized Left or Right debate in American politics, and instead choose the pragmatic view of Radical Centrism.
by wisesam January 10, 2015
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Another word for something that puts you to sleep
"Person" 1: Did you hear about my road trip to Israel and Toronto
Person 2: Mane this ain't no Centrism Hotline stfu
by chief_hates_em March 22, 2021
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The act of making Free, glorious and Angelic America the centre of everything.
If Aliens from outer space were to attack another planet (not ours and not any close to us and we didn't even know about it) how it affect America

Why does everybody give England credit for winning the English civil war, why not Murica?

"Mate that guy literally thinks America is the nation responsible for inventing gunpowder, it wasn't even a country"
"Yeah, that chap is definitely a Murica-Centrism supporter"
by The British Chap July 19, 2017
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Having a mix of left and right wing beliefs and not adhering to either left or right wing ideology. Aneutral centrists listen to both sides before makimg a judgement and make decisions based on fact as opposed to whether something is left or right wing. This differs from typical centrism in that aneutral centrists do not solely have neutral views.

Origin: "A-" (meaning "not") + "Neutral" and "Centrism".
I look at the facts before making a decision. I believe in gun control which is right wing but also believe in democracy which is left wing. I follow aneutral centrism.
by Shugunou February 27, 2023
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