monkey catsup

the red stuff that comes out of monkeys every 28 days; also the best thing to eat a monkey with.
Blimey, that monkey shot monkey catsup 50 feet out of its butt hole!

Please pass the monkey catsup
by scrammers May 15, 2007
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Rusty Catsup Bottle

The sexual act of a woman defecating on a penis before vaginal intercourse while being on her period.
She lovingling performed a rusty catsup bottle with her boyfriend last night.
by Mahoney69 June 16, 2014
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california hot catsup

In a California Hot Catsup, you proceed to punch a bitch in the nose and make her bleed, then you take her blood spread her blood on the penis and make her suck the penis, making it look like a french fry covered in catsup.
Johnny, I'm hungry.
Do you want a big fat french fry?
Yes, as long as it is covered in California Hot Catsup.
Will do, Krystal.
by xJapaneseSteelx May 2, 2009
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What cats put on their chips.
by Pensil December 30, 2022
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a seasoned pureed condiment usually made from tomatoes.
Back in the days instead of ketchup, it was pronounced Catsup.
by Offline-Me March 1, 2021
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Older version of "ketchup" made by Heinz
I would like catsup with my fries.
by handle-i-hardly-know-her-le March 29, 2022
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drunk catsup

a shot:

3 parts shitty vodka, 1 part store brand hot sauce

to be taken with an old friend, you must have at least 7 of these each, otherwise it's called, "two bloody vagina-saucers"
Me and my old friend from high school blacked out during a drunk catsup session last night; I don't remember a thing, we'll have to catch up again some other time.
by derpaderpalurkalurkaherca November 30, 2012
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