butt-hurt put together.
pronounced bart/burt
somebody who doesn't know how to take a joke
and takes it up the butt.
don't get all burt foo. we were just kidding.

did you see Amanda? she was fucken burt!
by pookie* April 22, 2009
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1. To stand annoyingly close to another person.

2. To creep on someone.
1. A:He's all up in her business

B:He's so burting her.

2. A:He's been by here like, five times now...

B:He's burting like harrrd.
by thrashunreal13 December 13, 2009
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An expression which conveys one of many reactions to a situation/person/conversation, including, but not limited to, displeasure, humor, superiority, disgust or sarcasm.

May also be spelled brt (typical during internet/text conversation).
A: ZOMG, I had to wait in line for four hours, but I bought 'Twilight' on DVD!


Jessica: I didn't know tuna and chicken weren't, like, different...

John: HAH-burt;

etc etc.
by meowmeowmeow :D September 7, 2009
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a short dumb fatty who buys a sub with a hole in it
by steeezy February 23, 2008
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Burt / Burting, AKA "The walk by." To walk by another person, fart, and keep walking. The key to a successfull burt, is to be able to walk by someone, and get your ass as close to their face as possible, while letting out a silent hot fart.
Hey, check this out... I'm gonna go burt on this guy sitting down
by ReverendSamson April 6, 2009
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