The Burnt Toast

Fuck a girl in the eye socket so hard your dinky pokes her brain, causing her to scream "I smell burnt toast!"
last night i gave a girl the burnt toast, it was hilarious
by burnttoastmaster69 January 26, 2010
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Burnt Toast

Refers to in a relationship were one is wasting the others time. The one who is wasting the time is the burnt toast. They are someone who is disrespectful by their cluelessness. If you only had enough butter for one peice of toast and had a loaf of bread would you waste your butter the burnt toast? No, than why would you give this man or woman your time and energy.
Tony says the Leah regarding a boy who she like and keeps selling her out, "Your waisting your time on that burnt toast"
by screamtard March 4, 2010
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Burnt toast

Done. Finished. Has seen its end.
He and that girl don't talk anymore. That's burnt toast.
by cantBfaded February 23, 2016
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Burnt Toast

i got burnt toast by accident it scared the living shit outta me
by 8Chris8 January 30, 2011
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Burnt toast

A white kid who acts like (he/she)'s straight out of Compton.

See wigger.
Dat kid be trippin' boo, be nuttin' but burnt toast.
by BlaZe April 7, 2004
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Burnt Toast

(N). A myspace girl with a cute innocent name (ex. Brave Little Toaster) and decent flattering photos, who in real life actually looks like burned toast and is not so innocent after all! Burnt toast is often found at local rock shows drunk, suggesting sexual favors and locked in the bathroom applying makeup/taking pictures.
Woa. Did see Burnt Toast at the bar? She was saying she wanted a boob job so she could give some guy a tittyfuck! I thought her myspace said she was sxe!
by Jenevieve V. September 20, 2007
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Burnt toast

When you, unfortunately, burn your toast the police come to your house and shoot it. You were also caught in the crossfire and died. You are in hell at this current moment.
Kid: Burnt toast
Kid: dies in the crossfire
by the urban diktionary August 3, 2021
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