
A Caucasian woman who enjoys dating men of color (ie, men that african americans, carribean, anglo african, etc)

See also coal-burner
That Heidi Klum...she is one sexy burner
by Spenbiz May 27, 2004
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one who carries and spreads chlamydia.
by TrayRay May 5, 2009
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A burner, also called a stinger, is a common injury in contact sports, especially football. The exact mechanism of the injury is not well understood, but a burner is thought to be due to either stretch or compression, or a combination of both, of the brachial plexus. The brachial plexus is a network of nerves that has just exited the spinal cord. These nerves travel across the shoulder and into the arm. Symptoms of a burner are sudden pain and tingling extending from the neck and down the arm into the fingers.
"ouch, I got a burner. It really hurts."
by awiseguyay January 8, 2006
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a really hot girl that you cant help but stare at reguardless of the situation
by slayercortex February 26, 2006
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a jazz musician who is technically proficient and plays his instrument really fast and takes long multi-chorus solos, often sacrificing thought and substance for pure flash.
There are three guys on stage playing interesting jazz, but the burner on guitar is playing predictable patters really fast. Annoying.
by Jake from Astoria October 19, 2007
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Ayo she got her chumpychomp deboed yo that's a burner
by spoleze February 16, 2003
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someone who is really good at graf. when people say that a piece is burner, they arent using the term correctly as burner refers to the person who did that piece. EG. it wouldnt be "that piece is a burner" it would be "that piece burns" or "whoever did that piece is a burner". almost every single person who sez the word burner uses it incorrectly and it juz sounds like they are fucken retarded n shit
Tommo: u no that miser fellow?
Ben: yeh that cunts a burner
by benjohnson April 29, 2005
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