an eating disorder where you put your index finger into the back of your throat and shove it down the little hole behind your tonsils.this will make you puke up a lot of what you have eaten in the past half hour. just remember to cut your nail(s) before doing this as not to cut yourself.
ex. rianna has bulimia.that means she has a great body since shes not fat,but since she has long nails sometimes she cuts the back of her throat,whitch hurts quite a bit.
by rianna12345 June 13, 2009
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eating disorder.

the person eats a lot, doesn't gain weight, weight tends to stay the same. the person is sad/depressed/bipolar

it's so funny. trust me it is, laugh all you want
if you see a person suddenly losing a lot of weight they could be bulimic lol. it's like after knowing them while they binged and ate so much wine, they still lost weight!

the person has a really big appetite. like an increased appetite, it speeds up the metabolism so they lose more weight during their youth.

bulimic girls tend to be really good looking and attractive, but depressed. bulimia makes them unattractive and frail. i love food though, i'm not bulimic (who hate food as much as they love eating it)
a lot of girls i know are bulimic

bulimics are very thin, people who have bulimia get skinny

bulimia sux

bulimia is a bitch to life, who is a bitch to you

i don't think you're bulimic. but i could be wrong even though i think i'm not!
by kikyou June 16, 2008
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A method of food consumption recommended for people who love to eat but don't want to gain weight.
"Man, I love bulimia! Twice the flavor, zero calories!
by OhYesYouDidn't! January 4, 2011
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Bulimia nervosa isn't just throwing up. Bulimia is binging and purging.

Binging - eating lots of food quickly in a short period of time

Purging - vomiting, laxative abuse, excessive exercise, or fasting

Bulimics don't binge and purge because they think they're fat or because of the media. They do it to gain a sense of control, to calm themselves. Bulimics rarely lose weight, their weight is usually up & down. 10% of bulimics will die from heart attack, malnutrition, or suicide
Eating disorders are coping mechanisms, not about vanity
I've had bulimia since I was 12. A typical binge for me is a pint of ice cream and a full box of macaroni & cheese. All eaten in a half hour, and it usually ends up regurgitated in to a trash bag. I don't do this because I want to be thin, I do it because it helps me cope w/ stress
by PurpleGerbil November 22, 2010
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A condition where people (surveys show mainly teenage girls) binge on food then take laxitives or force themselves to throw up thinking it will allow them to enjoy food without putting on weight. Refusing to admit they have a problem can be a first sign of an eating disorder.
-a mental condition and can be confused with anorexia.
Jane: man i could go some nachos *eats*. Holy shit i shouldnt have eaten that *vomits*

Susan: hey do you have bulimia or something?
Jane: NO! I just feel sick... (denial)
by scottish_bxtchxx September 5, 2009
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An eating dissorder effecting mostly young women. They eat alot of food then make them selves vomit. they loose lots of weight and have health problems. Parents try to blame it on all the models andactresses that are so thin. but its more then that, these people constantly feel like they aren't good enough and need to change themselves its usually caused by something thats happened to them also something their parents and influences mihgt have done or do.
She's in rehab for bulimia.
by annonamus June 11, 2004
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A horrible eating disorder in which the person, usually a young girl, eats large ammounts of food then feels bad and finds some way to "purge" themselves of the calories.

Many bulimics are recovering anorexics. They've had to deal with denying themselves their favorite food for so long that now they don't have the will power neccisary to do it any more, so they gorge themselves and puke, exersive, or use laxitives to get rid of it afterwards.

Like anorexics, bulimics sometimes do what they do to feel in control. But they do so without the same self control that anorexics have, and bulimics are harder to catch with more severe symptoms then anorexics.
Amy had only been home from Anorexia rehab for two days, when her mom found her barfing up an entire cake. She's checked back into rehab for Bulimia now.
by Kirti Miko August 1, 2009
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