Brown bag it

to use a disposable, usually paper, bag to carry something. used most commonly by grammar school teachers, where students are going on a trip and should bring their lunch in a disposable container (usually a plastic or paper bag) instead of a metal or plastic lunch boxes
kid: mom, i cant find my lunch box.

mom: there's no time to look, just grab your sandwich and brown bag it.
by Mystic Bacon November 28, 2007
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brown bag

When your fucking someone in the ass while wearing a condom and pull out which you look to find out that your condom is covered in poop.
I was fucking the bitch so hard in the ass, when I was done this bitch gave me a brown bag.
by Deeptoot123 September 13, 2011
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Brown bag

this word means basically whatever you want it to mean. You use it in a sentence to make people around you wonder what the hell your talkind about. They'll ask, "Whats a brown bag?" I usually respond,"Sorry, can't tell you. Its a secret."
Quit brown bagin around the place like your some sort of magic man; Why can't you just be like everyone else and clean your brown bag every once in a while?
by jordan lee walker January 22, 2009
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Brown Bagging

(v) When doing someone anal style, and you proceed to drop your nut-sack into his/her asshole.
"Hey, you like brown bagging?"
"No, I don't like testicles in my butthole."
by OxMxGxTacos March 24, 2012
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Brown Bagging

Take a hot, steamy shit in a bag, preferrably a brown bag, and then tie, or twist, it shut. Proceed to hit somebody with it, most likely the face so they can smell the steaming pile of shit.
Wanna help me out in Brown Bagging my teacher?
by Nukaworldsupreme August 11, 2008
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Brown Bag

The act of unzipping one's bean bag, and taking a dump in it... then zipping it back up for the next unsuspecting user.
D: "I just brown bagged my roomates bean bag while he was showering."
L: "Dude thats raw!"
D: "I can't wait for movie night tonight!"

*later that night during movie night*

K: "Oh you guys are asses!"
by Fenchfckr October 19, 2009
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Brown bag

The act of sucking a fart out of another's ass then blowing it back in. Similar to using a bag when hyperventilating.
That chick is so hot that I would brown bag her fart box.
by Bigdickieswingin November 13, 2015
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