when u fill the cone piece on a bong to the very top reaching the brim
aye bro give us a brimmy
by qawsedrftgyhujikolpzxcvbnm March 19, 2017
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Brimmy is a nickname for Brimstone from Valorant. It is commonly used by the lovers or friends of the person playing Brimstone (Brimmy). The nickname is pretty common in the game and is used to sound cute.
by sophluvsu March 23, 2021
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A brimmy is when you are completely owning someone so 1337 h4x, brimmy's are usually done by Brimmy. aka Brimage.
Dude! Brimmy is doing a brimmy!
by Josh1337h4x February 12, 2009
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a powerfull runescape character that owns a dumb clan di
brimms owns you! now shut up!!
by dominic November 30, 2004
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(n.) 1. A person pocessing red hair and living in New Jersey.
2. Nick-name for a girl with the last name of Brimfield
a. Hey is she a brimmy?
b. Dude, yea.

a. Hey Brimmy
b. Hey
by Ashley B. February 23, 2005
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When max fills the cone piece all the way to the top and finishes it in one pull. Brimmy Max smokes to the maximum level and can often be found passed out in the corner next to the couch. Brimmy Max will often moan or make random noises as he is too high to put together a sentence in English.
Brimmy Max can you talk to us in English we don’t understand brimmynese
by PlanetBrimmy March 5, 2023
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a word that defines someone as snub/"a frat boy"/ better than others. Being brimmy is usually not a good thing
look at Johnny with all his fancy clothes, the chains and everything. He's so brimmy trying to get all the girls
by Feilldji February 6, 2022
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