1. Protective footgear, as of leather or rubber, covering the foot and part or all of the leg.
2. A protective covering, especially a sheath to enclose the base of a floor-mounted gear shift lever in a car or truck.
3. Chiefly British. An automobile trunk.
"A boot is something you wear with your dinner jacket"
by Stoner Steve March 18, 2004
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verb. To start from nothing and become something.

Reach down and get a firm grip on you bootstraps. Pull really hard, until you pull yourself right up to the ceiling.
I turned the switch on and the damn thing booted Windows. How the hell does that work?
by lanteigne October 13, 2005
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short for bootleg or booty. Implying something is cheap or inferior in performance or quality; a knock off.

Or used as a description of an action implying inferior effort or work.
My new computer broke yesterday its boot.


His presentation is completely boot.
by d4lions July 22, 2005
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a big fag who enjoys wacking it and thinking about his friends' parents.
by boot October 29, 2003
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To vomit explosively, particularly after drinking too much beer and/or hard alcohol.
Dan booted all over himself last night after having ten straight shots of Ol' Southern Comfort.
by Syntel October 3, 2002
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women in general and/or their vagina's
dude did you get any boot last night?
no she was too drunk to function

hey wanna come out with us?
no im gettin boot tonight

why didn't you get any boot?
she was on her period
damn go get different boot then
by Devin Walters February 11, 2008
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