One who is "bodacious" or possesses "bodaciousness" is one who is bold. One must also live in a festering pile of their own awesomeness, inhaling swag, and exhaling fantasticness, only adding to the froggy puddle of wonderfulness. To posses "bodaciousness" is to adopt a lifestyle, a rich culture in which those who meet the requirements, may experience for themselves. As a person who possesses much "bodaciousness" himself, I will say that it is in fact, quite the experience.
"Wow, that Nick Fizz posses such bodaciousness"
by Big Dan The Bodacious December 3, 2015
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Prodominately used during the 80's and early 90's, bodacious is a combination of the words bold and audacious. To be bodacious is to be:

impressive, awesome, brave in action, remarkable, prodigious.
"Ted, you and I have witnessed many things, but nothing as bodacious as what just happened."

"So please welcome, to tell us what he thinks of San Dimas, the most bodacious philosophizer in Ancient Greece...
Both: Socrates!"

{Describing Joan of Arc:} "A most bodacious solider, and general, Ms. Of Arc totally rousted the English from France."
by Gyrapage February 16, 2006
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Large, impressive, awesome, remarkable, prodigious.
You cooked up a bodacious pot of stew!
That babe has a bodacious set of boobs!
by Daniel B. Martin February 23, 2005
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To be superbly hot, the kind of hot the melts people's shoes. The kind of hot that makes grills start. The kind of hot that ignites hot pockets to explode in your hand. The kind of hot, that comes from a male or female.
1: Nelly's song, "Hot In Here"...good gracious ass is bodacious!

2: Your next door neighbor.
by Omeglecat December 22, 2013
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CaLuuuuuM hooO0OD
by Lukehemming’sbitch September 14, 2018
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