When a girl gets blue nails it typically means she has a significant other or/ aka, a boyfriend. Females use this color to let other people know she is no longer available.
by rokandroll December 4, 2020
by yourgirlfriend6969 August 7, 2022
by Heymummy November 5, 2021
Jake : hey that girl over there’s pretty cute, should i get the snap?
Josh : nah dude she’s got a man, look at her light blue nails
Josh : nah dude she’s got a man, look at her light blue nails
by beachbum1279 May 16, 2021
“Yo man look how cute that girl is ima go ask for her snap”
“Bro do you not see her light blue nails she has a boyfriend”
“Bro do you not see her light blue nails she has a boyfriend”
by Chickennugs4life July 15, 2021
When a girl has light blue nail polish it is code for “I have a boyfriend” because when a girl asks a guy what color she should get her nails done, he will typically say “light blue”
Boy: “do you want to go on a date with me.”
Girl: “have you looked at my nails?”
Boy: “ oh your wearing light blue nail polish. Sorry.”
Girl: “have you looked at my nails?”
Boy: “ oh your wearing light blue nail polish. Sorry.”
by Fruit.Loop May 28, 2021
by Stongaman May 31, 2021