should i get bangs

Warning: A major life event has happened and she’s looking to express it by giving herself forehead curtains.

The safe answer is always “No”.
Angie: “We broke up and I’m just like ready to be a new person, ya know? I need to do something bold, like cut my hair. Should I get bangs?!”

Pam: “Abso-fucking-lutely not.”
by MobyDick211 August 24, 2018
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Maybe I should get Tattoos. Particularly on my arms.

Everybody seems to be doing this these days. I just want to look cool.

(UD Jews, talkin to you guys..again.)
Maybe I should get Tattoos
by Death Menace June 22, 2023
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should i get

the usual thing to say when your asking someone what you should get
should i get apollo
kill yourself
by Ya boi SOVIET May 18, 2017
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