by =nEo= July 20, 2004
man i almost hit kary last night but her brother was blockin.
carl-watchu doin
d-aint shit, jus blockin rite now finna shoot out.
carl-watchu doin
d-aint shit, jus blockin rite now finna shoot out.
by d-mane April 16, 2008
when a guy is tryin to get laid but
his friend or a her friend or any random person who is a dickhead prevents it
his friend or a her friend or any random person who is a dickhead prevents it
by wassup wassup October 28, 2007
Joey was MC Blockin' dan-o when joey was listening to dan-o while dan-o was trying to get it in with a girl
by DJ AYCH February 19, 2012
"I was at the mall and I was talk to this fine ass gurl, but den this dude gon' come and start cock blockin me. I almost beat his ass!"
by FyNeMa4ShO August 15, 2005
by iceberg shorty December 5, 2004
Balla Blockin is when someone tries to hold you back from accomplishing what you gots to do to survive.
by -RED- November 14, 2008