The current increase of prices for basic necessities and gas solely caused by Biden and his disastrous policies.
Biden: Its not my fault gas prices are high, its Putin's fault!

The average American: no Joe, its your fault. Your policies have completely gutted the oil industry since you've taken office. Btw gas prices were increasing before Putin invaded Ukraine so no it is not "Putin's fault" its yours. You have caused this Bidenflation.
by clinteastwood76 August 25, 2022
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Massive inflation created by the Biden regime money printing policy.
Can you believe the Bidenflation this month? It is up 4.1%
by Aloisious May 12, 2021
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Stating the sharp rise in commodities across the board, is due to supply and demand. Declaring your regime a success.
Bidenflation will negatively impact future generations.
by Jefe.Robison October 17, 2021
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Inflation exacerbated by the inactions of the Biden administration to relieve the supply chain of goods resulting in stagflation.
If Biden doesn’t open the pipeline soon, we will go from Bidenflation to stagflation.
by Wefucked March 8, 2022
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its when the entire United States deals with a high inflation from a person that has high dementia and says it’s russia’s fault!
Person 1: Hey, Why are the gas prices going even higher then yesterday.

Person 2: Haven’t you heard man it’s called Bidenflation.

Person 1: Wait, the U.S president is doing this?!

Person 2: President, More like an idiot he has ruined the whole country and he blames Putin for doing it.

Person 1: Fuck this bidenflation!!
by AnAlien09 June 15, 2022
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The Rampant Inflation induced by the Policies of the Old Swamp Marxist Himself, POTUS Joker Biden.
by MadDrJeckel II August 17, 2022
1. When your election is stolen and you are left with a fool in the white house whose name is joey biden who has ZERO economic experience. Intentional destruction of the economy. Action usage: Man that bidenflation is so high, it is higher then hunter biden after a hit on his crack pipe!

2. What you get when dominion selects your president.
Bidenflation is so high that hunter biden is trying to replace his crack rocks with it, since it goes higher then a kite and it is just getting started, in a year from now we are going to be seeing 10 dollars a gallon of gas, damn that china joe biden!!!! Wish President Trump was back in office, gas was 1.83 lasts year, bidenflation is HORRIBLE!!!!!
by Wise White Man March 12, 2022