To queef in a particularly prodigious or boisterous manner.
"Dude, last night I was pounding this girl from behind and she beefed a queef that parted my pubes!"

"Was that a fart or did you beef a queef?"
by Vither Creator March 30, 2023
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A queef that's sloppy like beef gravy.
She let our a juicy beef queef.
by Jamie&Ashley February 11, 2003
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when air instead of seamen is expelled through the penis creating a farting sound and an odor.
Drews beef queef was so loud and smelly the gypsy family next door moved out.
by handsomedom April 19, 2011
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1. A queef performed by a bovine cow.
2. A penile queef.
3. A normal female queef with an appetizing smell, such as that of roast beef.
1. We was out cow tippin', and one of them heifers pulled a beef-queef in Hershell's face!.
2. After my surgery, I was somehow able to beef-queef at will.
3. I thought it was lunch time, but it was just Theodore's sister's beef-queef.
by Walenski July 11, 2008
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When a man docks his anus to a woman's vagina, passes gas into it and the woman proceeds to queef it out.
Sam made me beef queef last night, it was gravy.
by MGK sux July 12, 2023
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A physically imposing man who is completely inefficacious.
Tyrone hard? Shit. Tyrone ain't hard. I seen that nigga fight. That nigga's beef queef.
by Anonymous May 19, 2003
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The act of gaining unecessary air causing a disruptive sound to one's ear vibrating the Labias as they are worn down to a crisp roast "beef".
That woman is excessively explosive with beef queefs!
by Steveeatspizza November 24, 2016
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