This Black Man might not have the nicest shoes or any shoes at all and may not know how to properly grow a fucking tree at all. But Babatunda has heart for being a poor African Child not being Smart enough to get some Water in one of the continents surrounded by water. All Babatunda has for a Anwser is Africa my brother and also. Go tell a friend a a.
Babatunda is a dirty dirty Nibba
by SmartMan_2769 July 21, 2019
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babatundae is a beast from Africa , who can’t afford shoes. He also doesn’t have water and can’t spell his own name .
Phil- “where are your shoes
babatundae - “I can not afford it”
by Reereeo May 21, 2020
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Can not afford shoes or spell his own name . He does not have any water and thinks Africa has the biggest coastline in the world. :(
“Ayo uno that babatundae lad , he can’t afford shoes”
by Reereeo May 21, 2020
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