ass lips

When your asshole is so destroyed from over-penetration that it has big dangling lips.
"I can pick dimes up off the sidewalk with my ass lips."
by Fake Pete November 5, 2006
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ass lips

When a women wears shorts that are too small and the bottom of her ass sticks out.
When that chick walks away, you totally notice her ass lips.
by e-rock1 October 23, 2005
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ass lip

Mark has an ass lip due to kissing ass.
by Jesse Welch April 24, 2003
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Ass lips

A person who's lips look like an ass.
People who have ass lips are more attractive.
by Eric.B December 11, 2013
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Ass Lips

n. The point at which rubber-meets-road in terms of kissing butt.
Slides 5 & 6 were the ass lips of the presentation and the VPs ate them up.
by Captain Drag Ass May 16, 2009
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chocolate ass lips

the stain that appears when you havnt had a wash for a good while and sit on the bed and hey presto the chocolate ass lips appear on the sheets!
wife: whats this chocolate on the bed!
reply: it must be the kids again eating chocolate on our bed!
wife lowers her nose to the (chocolate stain) WHAT THE FUCK, THATS SHIT

reply: ohh thats just my chocolate ass lips!

(just blame the kids)
by chocolate ass lip man November 23, 2010
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crusty ass lips

lips that need to have their own skin care because they’re as ashy as ur mom and flake like mozzarella
I use her crusty ass lips as cheese whenever I forget to buy some more mozzarella for my spaghetti
by daddypig January 4, 2022
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