by Fake Pete November 5, 2006
by e-rock1 October 23, 2005
by Jesse Welch April 24, 2003
by Eric.B December 11, 2013
by Captain Drag Ass May 16, 2009
the stain that appears when you havnt had a wash for a good while and sit on the bed and hey presto the chocolate ass lips appear on the sheets!
wife: whats this chocolate on the bed!
reply: it must be the kids again eating chocolate on our bed!
wife lowers her nose to the (chocolate stain) WHAT THE FUCK, THATS SHIT
reply: ohh thats just my chocolate ass lips!
(just blame the kids)
reply: it must be the kids again eating chocolate on our bed!
wife lowers her nose to the (chocolate stain) WHAT THE FUCK, THATS SHIT
reply: ohh thats just my chocolate ass lips!
(just blame the kids)
by chocolate ass lip man November 23, 2010
lips that need to have their own skin care because they’re as ashy as ur mom and flake like mozzarella
by daddypig January 4, 2022