A super cool person who I am moots with on tiktok who deserves the world and is super valid <3
Person 1: Hey, do you follow arminadmirer on TikTok?

Me: Oh, them? Yeah, me and him have been moots for a while, and they are so funny! Everyone should check out his content.
by hangezoeplsfrickme October 19, 2021
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coolest armin fan ever with 94 million followers on tiktok
person one: you know about arminadmirer on tiktok?

person two: obviously!
by iheartbirds 😱😱 October 19, 2021
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Amazing TikToker and awesome mutual.
Speaks up about important themes and has amazing humor.
The only minus is that they suck at making hot chocolate without making a huge mess.
Hey have you heard of Arminadmirer
Yes ofc he's very swag and followed me back on TikTok!
Wow, you're lucky, they're so cool...
by Ingehhh October 20, 2021
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One of my favorite mutuals<3 He is funny as FUCK. I love it when his videos pop up in my fyp even though they only come up when im sad which is a plus.
arminadmirer is a simp. You know im right.
by literallyarmimlol October 30, 2021
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The word for making a mess while making hot chocolate
Oh shiz! I just pulled an Arminadmirer!
Oh no, better clean up that cocoa powder soon then...
by Ingehhh October 20, 2021
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Arminadmirer is an oikawa kinnie who is uncapable of making hot chocolate
Person: hey, do you want some hot chocolate?

Person 2: nah fam you don't know how to make it. You're such an arminadmirer
by GachaSUSANyt January 10, 2022
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