A contraction which is technically incorrect but is accepted, and therefore acceptable, within conversational English.
'Aren't I' may be formally wrong, but I only use fully formal English when writing an essay for class.
by Brendan Badger October 15, 2007
The incorrect way of asking "Am I not?"
"Aren't I" is incorrect because you are not supposed to use the word "are" in the first-person singular (present tense) but rather the word "am."
"Aren't I" is incorrect because you are not supposed to use the word "are" in the first-person singular (present tense) but rather the word "am."
For example, you DO NOT say "I ARE going to the party," but rather "I AM going to the party." If you say "I ARE going to the party" you are using the word "are" in the first-person singular instead of the word "am" which is incorrect. In the same way, when you say "Aren't I" you are using "are" in the first-person singular when you should be using "am." Thus "Aren't I?" is incorrect.
Another example: "I'm still invited to your party, aren't I?" This is WRONG because this person has used "are" in the first-person singular. He or she should have used "am" instead. It would have been correct if this person had instead asked, "I'm still invited to your party, am I not?" or "I'm still invited to your party, right?"
For those who are still unconvinced, remember that I have given grammatical and logical reasons as to why "Aren't I?" is incorrect. If you still want to argue that it is correct just because a lot of people tend to use it then I would point out to you that your argument is an ad populum argument. Just because a lot of people might believe something is correct that does not in and of itself make it correct. A lot of people used to believe the world was flat but that did not make them right. No, they were still wrong, just as people who think "Aren't I?" is correct are still wrong even if there might be a lot of them who think it is correct.
Another example: "I'm still invited to your party, aren't I?" This is WRONG because this person has used "are" in the first-person singular. He or she should have used "am" instead. It would have been correct if this person had instead asked, "I'm still invited to your party, am I not?" or "I'm still invited to your party, right?"
For those who are still unconvinced, remember that I have given grammatical and logical reasons as to why "Aren't I?" is incorrect. If you still want to argue that it is correct just because a lot of people tend to use it then I would point out to you that your argument is an ad populum argument. Just because a lot of people might believe something is correct that does not in and of itself make it correct. A lot of people used to believe the world was flat but that did not make them right. No, they were still wrong, just as people who think "Aren't I?" is correct are still wrong even if there might be a lot of them who think it is correct.
by aren't I is incorrect March 11, 2013
Just as David said, "aren't I" means "am I not". However, it is /not/ the proper way to say anything.
by Corrector March 28, 2005
by David March 7, 2004
Something you search when you're really bored on Urban Dictionary.
Or something you search when you don't have a life(like me) Cri
Or something you search when you don't have a life(like me) Cri
by A human with a face January 30, 2018
phrase. used to pull attention to round or spherical objects and if they are or are not, touching. Often used in reference to pornography, but can also be used in reference to non-sexual objects.
Balls are Touching
Bawls are(/n't) Touching
Balls are Touching
Bawls are(/n't) Touching
"This pron is so gay."
"No it's not, the balls aren't touching."
"They are now."
"O shi-!"
"Hey, back off. Your bawls nearly touched mine!"
"No it's not, the balls aren't touching."
"They are now."
"O shi-!"
"Hey, back off. Your bawls nearly touched mine!"
by /b/rother January 5, 2007