"I can't come to work today, my girl's having my baby."
"Okay...hope everything goes well. Take as much time as you need."
"Okay...hope everything goes well. Take as much time as you need."
by cougheeNsmoke August 1, 2008
by Philly0101 August 11, 2008
stands for "Awkward Restroom Dialogue;" typically used between males after a conversation is started in the most uncomfortable of places: the bathroom. Can also refer to any awkward bathroom situation (i.e. your boss/teacher walks in).
Dude 1: "Dude, that guy walked up to the urinal right next to me when there were clearly others open and started a conversation."
Dude 2: Ard.
Dude 2: Ard.
by askdfmnsajfnadsf October 3, 2011
by baker1321 October 9, 2011
by double-hawk February 24, 2008