april 2020

vidar: bro have you noticed april 2020 will be 4/20 which is 420
me: hory shet
by TheOneTEM January 17, 2020
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April 1st, 2020

That 50 hour period when you can't trust anyone online.
A common conversation on April 1st, 2020:
Friend 1: Check out this article! Quarantine is over!
Friend 2: Really? We can finally see each other in person :)
Friend 1: April Fools!
by Kaichael April 2, 2020
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April 2020

The the month into 2020 when coronavirus hit the U.S. and everyone started buying toilet paper
It’s April 2020 ahhhhhh Can’t run out of toilet paper!!
by Kai1479 January 16, 2021
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April 2020

Completely fucking ignore anyone named Bradley and flag on them every single day
Wow Shit it’s April 2020, can’t hang out with Bradley he is such a fucking deuchebag and I hate him
by MistaTAconaCho April 17, 2020
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