Some bullshit term created by academics 1)to make themselves look smart, 2) provide misdirection on a topic, and 3) sidestep the issue; but in actual fact, it has no real meaning.
Only the most high-browed, coke-bottle glasses-wearing academic, squirrelled away in the deepest stacks of academia could possibly use the term constructive ambiguity in a sentence.
by Paluka Joe March 21, 2008
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When a dangerous rogue state which is suspected of having an illegal nuclear weapons arsenal claims that it "...will not introduce nuclear weapons to the Middle East" - and continues to claim that it does not have weapons of mass destruction even after one of its nuclear technicians proves that it does have a nuclear stockpile of at least 300 warheads (all so it can continue to be propped up by billions of dollars in aid from an allied country which has a law banning it from supporting proliferating countries).
Nuclear weapons? What nuclear weapons? The facility at Dimona is a textiles factory....okay okay, it is just a civilian nuclear research programme.

Now, Papa America, as we DO NOT have nuclear weapons please can you give us even more and more billions of aid dollars so we can continue building on occupied land and developing our nuclear power station.
by Jay April 21, 2004
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An action which is morally unaccepted by society
Students using unfair activities in the examination hall or using inappropriate language is called moral ambiguity
by Albert Collins June 28, 2020
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When a girl with long hair sheds one hair, it attaches to the back of her shirt, and she can feel it every time she moves her arms.
There is an ambiguous hair somewhere on my back; can you please get it off for me?
by fergmeister August 10, 2007
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This is a person who has sexual tendancys toward people or persons of his own sex. He tries to hide his feelings, but all he can think about is soaking his loans in the gulf of mexico at sunset with a very handsome man named seisto. He pictures himself with seisto skipping naked down the beach holding hands and letting his manhood wave in the wind. His feelings are so strong that other people know that he longs to be with his mexican manslave.
damn your an ambiguously gay higgins.
by higgins March 23, 2005
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