A 5'9'' cutie pie

The happiest depressed person you'll ever meet.
A girl with a great sense of humor, even if all she does is make totally nosense jokes.
The kindest person in the world with the worst anger issues hidden behind a dumb, pretty face.
Nobody knows what the fock goes through her mind, not even her.

She acts like she's drunk or stoned 24/7.

70% sarcasm, 20% random insecurities, 10% need for affection.
She will complain about being alone in a while and then refuse anyone who seems even a bit interested.
She's unable to accept compliments, she will always think you're making fun of her. She will keep any gift you give her as a treasure, even a rock.
Alisea non rompere i coglioni
Sei piuttosto basso, immagina se incontrassi Alisea
by Justaquokka November 23, 2021
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Alisea is a name of which no one knows its origin, very rare but appreciated by all. Alisea is a stubborn girl and can be very arrogant but in reality she has a heart of gold. He doesn't know what it means to express his feelings in words and prefers to hide them, but he will show you with gestures if he really cares. Few people really understand her, indeed perhaps only her cat. In fact, she loves animals and prefers to talk to them instead of people. Conclusion: Alisea is for a few people. Either you love it or you hate it, there is no middle ground.
by _alliien November 24, 2021
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Alisea è una ragazza forte, dolce e immensamente bella. Quando ti è intorno il suo sorriso dolce ti rende più lievi le giornate e speri soltanto che il tempo si fermi.
Ma com'è veramente, Alisea? È una ragazza forte, ma che nasconde un aspetto delicato e sensibile. È capace di circondarsi delle persone più adatte per lei e questo le fa bene, perchè così riesce a ritrovare sé stessa. Ma ha una forza incredibile: ne ha passate tante, anche da sola. E soprattutto perchè, in primis, sa individuare i suoi limiti, ed è un dono incredibilmente bello! Sapere quando fermarsi, avere un proprio pensiero su tutto, sapere dialogare e saper ascoltare fanno parte di lei. Per questo, tu senti che potresti affidare la tua vita nelle sue mani. Alisea è speciale. Non è per tutti.
Non riesci a togliertela dalla testa, Alisea.
by koreanloverthinksnovemberisok November 21, 2021
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Alisea is a strong woman who seems a rock but is a flower!

It's not that hard and if you try to hard her you probably will do it, but she won't loose. She will reborn again and again beautier and stronger.
Do you know Alisea? Yes she is the strongest and beautiful girl ai know
by Scorpione rosa November 21, 2021
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