Deflated empty tits

Tits that look like two skin pockets in need of filling. With the nipple right at the bottom misrepresenting where the button should be
I love my girlfriend I just wish she didn't have air pockets for tits
by Working Class Hero May 19, 2021
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A crevice, cellulite, dimple on the butt that has enough air to take a breath.
Girls booty was sitting on my face, I was suffocating and found an air pocket that saved my life.
by Dajuice July 21, 2023
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A intense pain in ur; side, lower back, stomach and chest. Could be mistaken for angina
Tiffany- oh shit
Brooke- what???
Tiffany- i got an air pocket in my side
by ashley h December 27, 2014
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Its when you get trapped in a tremendous fart that it almost feels like you're going to suffocate from it. Much like how it is when a plane hits an air pocket when for a moment you can't breathe and inasmuch you want to get out of it, you cant.
Holy crap! I just got trapped in a human air pocket, it stank so bad i almost vomitted.
by fhm100sexiest#101 August 3, 2011
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The act of flagellating on oneself and the flagellants gets trapped between the anus and the back of the scrotum causing a tickling sensation.
Aaron ate a lot of beans an farted giving himself an Australian Air Pocket.
by Kamo89 January 2, 2023
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