
a gay person. he also sucks at jokes.
Eman: omg hes so gay!
Ymac: ya! thats Ace!
by babybeast646 November 24, 2018
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the word ace means
a- awsome
c- cool
e- epic
that movie was ace!
by mr.woo October 23, 2008
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south african slang for alone or solitary.
i had to go cruising for chicks on my ace
by master ace October 10, 2005
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A tennis serve that is untouched by the returner, usually due to high speeds or extreme spins.
Despite Johansson's 51 aces, Agassi still won the match.
by brm August 16, 2005
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1) Being very good at something.
2) Making a point in tennis just from the serve.
3) First cousin to the Prince.
1) Zidane is an Ace at Soccer.
2) Hey, i just rolled up Ace.
by bastiankf May 15, 2006
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a lil sack of weed that you pay for or can get for free from a buddy cause it really aint that much
i'll get u an ace for 10$ ma nigga
by shiZzle February 6, 2005
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something that is very awesome and worth getting very excited about. sounds very un-ace when said by americans.
sounds ace!
the shows gonna be ace!
by holyroman April 18, 2005
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