a 'DK'

a man who is constantly changing his mind.
he is frequently going through manstration.
He likes to play mind games for his own entertainment.
often ditches on plans at very last minute.
possibley gay with his best friend?

may also drives a white doge pickup with a nice sound system.
"GOSH! Jordan is being such a 'DK' right now!"
by theCougar66 November 24, 2009
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My grandpa gave me 10$ today :DK
by stickmansmiley December 12, 2009
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by evi_osa10 March 14, 2019
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noun: the acronyms for the video game Donkey Kong and for the band Dead Kennedys.
we played dk while listening to dk
by the storm drains July 29, 2009
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Acronym for Dirty Kid.

A socially awkward person who can be identified by one or more of the following: greasy hair, self made thumb holes in clothing, carries around 2 liters of soda, smells like unwashed crevasses, dragon related apparel, silken shirts, off-brand skate shoes, drinks monster as if it was a drug, bows instead of waves, steal towed boots, wife beaters, silver necklaces with dragons or Chinese symbols.

There are many branches, or genres, if you will, of the DK, but DK pretty much sums them all up.

(originated in McMinnville, OR)
"Look at those two kids having a martial arts battle in the hall! Oh my god, is he wearing a dog collar?...what a DK!"
by Bailey (Bat-Yam bat Teruma) February 8, 2008
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DK is Short for Denmark . As seen on Danish license plates and at the end of Danish webpages .dk
by Theplatjacket June 26, 2018
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"Donkey Kong Country was the shit back in its day. ^_^ "
by Dave March 26, 2004
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