Zero Fucks

To explain a situation where you are absolutely exhausted, and don't give a fuck about it no more. You're done and through with it.
"Don't talk to me, I give zero fucks about coronavirus/covid-19"
"2020 such a shitshow, zero fucks"
"Don't tell me how you're always right in everything and I'm to blame, because I give zero fucks about you and what you say/think about me, you harassing asshat"
" Zero Fucks = The midnight sky is the road I'm takin', Head high up in the clouds"
"I'm done caring about a bunch of grown ass clown babies, giving zero fucks"
"If giving you my total two pennies doesn't satisfy you, then gtfo"
"You deserved zero fucks to begin with"
by TheRealest2828 September 2, 2020
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zero fucks

To have no ability to care anymore
I give zero fucks anymore
by urcameltoeshowing1 March 31, 2018
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Zero fucks given

The inability to give even one fuck about someone or something, i.e. the situation in which one is unable to care. This term is also used to express dismay, disbelief, or sarcasm pertaining to someone or something, and can be a successful comeback comment in the event of a downward-spiraling conversation.
Michael: "Vicki, you were the one that broke up with me!"

Victoria: "Zero fucks given, Mike."
by lolswerehad June 10, 2011
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zero fucks mood

The mood in which someone is in a mood of giving zero fucks about anything and everything
Tom: "Hey Lewis, how are you?"
Lewis: "I'm in a zero fucks mood right now,"
by Badfox November 12, 2016
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Half of zero fucks

You may think half of zero is just zero right? WRONG! half of zero in this case is more than zero, but not one. Let me explain. Saying "I don't give half of zero fucks about that" is more intense than saying "I don't give zero fucks about that
". In this case saying you give only half of the zero fucks means that you are more upset than just giving the zero fucks. So why is this? Well if we knew, we would probably have a much clearer understanding of reality and the universe and whatnot. Also, dont confuse this with "half of two shits" "zero fucks" "zero shits" "I dont give two shits" or any other amount of shits, fucks, or other equivalent measures of fuckery other than shits and fucks.
Person 1: Look at this new thing I made.
Person2: I dont give half of zero fucks about that
Person 1: do you atleast give a third of zero fucks?
Person 2: no.
by LordPeironDestroyerOfWorlds October 10, 2022
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