Short for the quote "All Your Base Are Belong To Us" from the game Zero-Wing that featured bad Japanese to English translation. Regardless, the phrase is synonymous with "ownage" in modern video games.
Vader14: Chat kill lamer n00b STFU
Entropy: HAHAH! All your base belong to us!
by Entropy Who Owned Vader14 November 19, 2003
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Poorly translated video from the entrance of ancient video game "zero wing". Often used for parodies of pwning something. Correct translation:-

CATS: You appear to be preoccupied, gentlemen (sarcasm)
CATS: Thanks to the cooperation of the UN forces, we've taken over all of your bases.
CATS: Your ship too shall soon be destroyed.
Captain: Impossible!
CATS: We thank you for your cooperation. (more sarcasm)
CATS: Enjoy the remaining moments of your lives?
Guy: Dude, you just spammed my inbox/ shot my dog/ fucked my sister/ egged my house

Gumba Gumba: all your spam/ pets/ hot sister/ house are belong to us!
by Gumba Gumba February 20, 2004
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"Calm your tits" but When someone is not based enough and is being biased AF. Often pronounced "chill yo Base"
"Clarence Thomas needs to chill and check his base"
"Obama has checked his base alot recently"
"you need to chill your Base"
by DONGSLINGER69420117 September 9, 2023
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Some stupid internet phenomenon that has geeks across the country drooling with amazement at some bad grammar. The common geek inserts the phrase "all your base" into any random posting on a website, and therefore thinks he is cool. It originated from some bad Japanese translation in a Videogame called "Zero Wing". People thought this was amazing, and started saying all your base all the time. See pwned and numa numa.
Geek: 0|\/|G 411 70u|2 b453 #4#4#4#4.

by Blackwood November 2, 2005
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From the poorly translated game "Zero Wing." The best context to fit this phrase in is for online gaming, such as Unreal Tournament Capture the Flag, or Counter-Strike.
This is for when you're pwning some team badly.
Loser: Damnit, they scored again!
Winner: HAHA, all your base are belong to us!
by pliz October 7, 2003
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