The act of combining a research drug 5-MAPB with LSD in order to recreate a similar experience to candy flipping.
'man I'm all out of molly, but I've got some 5-MAPB and LSD. I'm going to be Yoda flipping so hard'
by MachoNacho031 December 17, 2019
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To take Ketamine (Special K) on top of Ecstasy while also tripping on LSD.
Last night became amazing when John brought Ketamine while we were already rolling and tripping. I would yoda flip everyday if I could.
by aLeVi8YRMinD March 20, 2019
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Jedi-Flip (Taking acid, shrooms and ectasy) + Wizard Staff (Drinking cans of beer and taping them into a staff) morphed into one. It is named as such as yoda was a jedi, and his staff (and presumably yours) was very very short.
Dude 1: how was your night?

Dude 2: crazy man! I yoda flipped, and nearly attacked a bus with my wizard staff!!
by grapesie April 26, 2011
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The act of combining a research drug 5-MAPB with LSD in order to recreate a similar experience to candy flipping.
'man I'm all out of molly, but I've got some 5-MAPB and LSD. I'm going to be Yoda flipping so hard'
by MachoNacho031 December 16, 2019
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Jedi flip (mushrooms, acid, mdma) + yoda's favourite drug, ketamine
I thought I was gonna die and turn into a force ghost when I did that Yoda flip
by Missing6 September 26, 2022
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