When you don't know what to call the color of that really 'shitty' color clothing that nobody should ever wear, it is called Piss Yellow Turd Brown, or somewhere there in between.
Eww, that Piss Yellow Turd Brown shirt looks like shit.
by Agrias January 3, 2012
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the stool one produces after eating a filthy unwashed asian
i shoulden't have ate that dirty asian baby yesterday, i dropped such a large yellow grease turd this morning
by whindman March 15, 2011
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You will usually find a "Yellow Turd" in your toilet after eating the following foods:
iHop, McDonald's, BurgerFi, Freddy's, ThanksGiving Dinner
They are usually long and thick and they always come out in one long "turd"
Birthing a "Yellow Turd" will surely cleanse your bowels for weeks to come.
When you see these, expect good news to be on it's way.
"Bro I just dropped a huge Yellow Turd. Check it out."
*shows pic of Yellow Turd*
"Dude that's awesome! You must pull hella bitches with them shits."
by FWYBFWYBFWYB February 20, 2022
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